number cards 1 - 10
Our Montessori-inspired number cards are for children learning to associate the symbol with the name of the number.
More about this product
Number symbols 1-10 is a Montessori inspired learning material similar to number flash cards for teaching early numeracy skills.
You can learn how to guide your child using our Montessori parent guides which will answer questions like “how do I introduce numbers to my toddler”, “how do I teach my child to count” and Montessori extension activities when your child has built familiarity with the learning materials. You can use them in a Montessori counting activity along with our natural wooden counters, beans, small blocks, or any other material you like. Once the child is familiar with their numbers, you can use these number cards for early addition and subtraction activities, as well as lessons to learn odd and even numbers.
A tip from the product guide
We can encourage children to trace the numbers with their fingers while repeating the name. The muscular movement of the hand and the tactile feel of tracing letters, while saying or hearing the name of the number; all play a role in fixating information in a child’s mind.
Number card details
Included: 10 number cards
Add-ons: Shelf storage tray
Product dimensions: 4x5.5" cards, set is 0.3" thick
Recommended for ages 2+, but with guidance from a prepared adult and interest from the child, younger toddlers may begin to associate their first numbers with symbols.